Knowsley Safari Park Wellbeing Through Wildlife

We are very proud that in 2023 we forged a great relationship with Knowsley Safari Park and started to refer patients who were either lonely or isolated to the Wellness through Wildlife programme

All participants engaged in weekly activities with the park’s resident wildlife which included a combination of animal and creative activities including delivering a meerkat feed using different forms of enrichment, meeting the tiger keeper for a Q&A, delivering baboon enrichment, sealion display, delivering wolf enrichment and a well-being activity including nature based crafts, outside activities and a woodland walk.

Being around animals and wildlife can help improve mood and reconnect us to nature. The Wellness to Wildlife programme also incorporates the NHS Five Ways to Well-Being Plan of learning something new, connecting with others, being present and mindful, being physically active and giving back.

As a result we recruited two new volunteers Julia and Tony who have help support subsequent cohorts on the programme.

Below is a BBC report on the project:-