
Care Merseyside is a one of a kind charity. Founded in 2009 by Knowsley GP, Dr Faisal Maassarani, Care Merseyside helps the local community to feel empowered to look after their health and well-being.

Our objectives are:

  • to enhance education and training
  • to relieve poverty and financial hardship
  • to promote good health and well-being
  • to provide recreational facilities for the local community

…in the interests of social welfare and any other charitable pursuit.

Care Merseyside provides a broad programme of social prescribing initiatives with the support of GP referrals from the Maassarani Group of General Practice and self referrals from the community or other third sector organisations.

How people are referred to Care Merseyside:

Using software called Elemental we connect people such as clinicians, third sector organisations and other agencies who ‘refer’ their patients or members of the local community to us at Care Merseyside. 

We can create a bespoke ‘social prescription’ to help anyone with a range of social, economic and environmental factors.

What is social prescribing?

In the past, social prescribing has sometimes been defined as ‘community referral’. It is a way of primary care professionals such as GPs and nurses to refer people to a range of local activities, events and services that don’t come under a clinical definition.


GPs have long known that a person may present with health issues that have an underlying cause of a range of factors including lifestyle, social, economic or environmental factors. Social prescribing looks at the whole person, and together with your input we will look at activities and interventions that could enhance your health and well-being.


A prescription for medication isn’t always the answer to some of our modern day health challenges. That’s why we love to help people connect, make friends, learn something new, feel great and look great through our wide ranging courses and activities.


You might need a referral to confidential debt advice. You might really see the benefit of signing up to our community shop or you might discover your purpose in our creative writing workshops.