Adopting an ‘attitude of gratitude’

Why It’s Important To Adopt An Attitude Of Gratitude


There’s no denying our world’s have been turned upside down, normal life has been put on hold and possible finding it hard to cope during these unprecedented times and we could be feeling a little sad, lost, anxious or even depressed.


Please don’t lose hope there is one way to make sure that you wake up on the right side of the bed each day — it’s adopting an AN ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE. This means making it a conscious habit to express appreciation for things that are good in your life.


Does this mean that we aren’t allowed to have bad days? Of course not. Life doesn’t work that way. However, a grateful heart keeps us focused on the bigger picture so that when adversity strikes, we don’t lose ourselves in the process.


It is something that we need to practice and not let what’s going on, in particular these current worrying times to get in our way. Practiced enough, it can have  positive effects on our health and moods.


There is always something to be thankful for. If you focus on the good.


Here are three benefits of adopting an ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE



  1. Increases Our Self-Esteem

What you think, you become. If you constantly focus on negative things, that is how you are going to feel — anxious, depressed and frustrated. Thinking negative thoughts and feeling good about yourself don’t go together.


Being grateful for what you already have, instead of dwelling on what you don’t have, helps you focus on the positive, thereby lightening your mood and improving your overall outlook on life.


We tend to focus on showing love to others, but what about us? Don’t we matter? Self-love is a form of gratitude. When we turn our attention inward and are grateful for who we are and how far we’ve come, we experience the truest form of happiness.


“Gratitude is a powerful catalyst for happiness. It’s the spark that lights a fire of joy in your soul.” — Amy Collette



  1. Makes Us Healthier

People forget how closely connected the mind and body are. When we have a negative attitude towards life, it can affect us on a physical level.


An attitude of gratitude improves our physiological functioning. Research  shows just that — those who engage in gratitude practices have been shown to feel less pain, go to the doctor less often, have lower blood pressure, and be less likely to develop a mental health problems.


When you are grateful and appreciative of everything around you, you feel calmer and connected with yourself. In this place, there is no room for anxiety, worry, or fear. The body and the mind are at ease, and that is a beautiful state to be in.



  1. Helps Us Be More Resilient

Throughout your life, you will experience setbacks and adversity. That is a guarantee. However, these are usually the points at which we realize how strong we really are.


The people who are able to effectively bounce back from difficult times are the ones who have developed an attitude of gratitude. They are able to find a silver lining amidst the darkness.


Every time life knocks you down, use challenges as opportunities to learn something about yourself and the world. Always remember that there are no failures in life, only lessons.


Having this mindset is what will allow you to develop unshakable resilience in the face of adversity.


There is always something to be grateful for, even when life isn’t going our way.


Sometimes we forget the value of slowing down and appreciating the present moment. In many ways, it’s the whole point of life.


What are you grateful for? Give thanks for whatever that is every single day. Take the time to stop and smell the roses. An attitude of gratitude has the power to change your entire life.